2021 Winners
NYC Big Book Award

The Danger Game (The Quintana Adventures) by Ian Bull

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Exit the Maze: One Addiction, One Cause, One Cure- Heal One Addiction, Heal Them All by Donna Marks

The Imaginary Underwater World by Jane F. Hankins

Family Reunion by Chad Richardson and Ashleigh Corrin

The Bootlegger's Mistress by Marc Curtis Little

Good Cop, Black Cop- Guilty Until Proven Innocent by Clayton Moore

Next Stage: In Your Retirement, Create the Life You Want by Tom Wilson

LIGHT MEDICINE: A New Paradigm — The Science of Light, Spirit, and Longevity by Ana Maria

Ruminations on a Parrot Named Cosmo by Betty Jean Craige

The Joy of I.T.- Infinite Transcendence by Lali A. Love

Even in Darkness - A Novel Written by Barbara Stark-Nemon Narrated by Jilly Bond

The Adventures of Women in Tech: How We Got Here and Why We Stay by Alana Karen

Mindful Beauty Holistic Habits to Feel and Look Your Best by Dr. Debbie Palmer and Valerie Latona

Clara Colby: The International Suffragist by John Holliday

Get Back in the Book! by Larry Issa and Emma Chadwick

The Sound of Wings A Novel by Suzanne Simonetti

Love's Legacy: Viscount Chateaubriand and the Irish Girl by Daniel Fallon

The Chronicles of Bizah, A Student of Truth by Constance Kellough, III and Mary Kellough

We Demand The Right To Vote: The Journey to the 19th Amendment by Meneese Wall

From Startup to Exit: An Insider's Guide to Launching and Scaling Your Tech Business by Shirish Nadkarni

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To Be Honest: Lead with the Power of Truth, Justice and Purpose by Ron A. Carucci

Rock, Paper, Scissors: The Instant Leadership Solution by Will Jacobs and Fred Lennox

Future Widow: Losing My Husband, Saving My Family, and Finding My Voice by Jenny Lisk

The Career Toolkit: Essential Skills for Success That No One Taught You by Mark A. Herschberg

Take Back Your Life: A Caregiver's Guide to Finding Freedom in the Midst of Overwhelm by Loren Gelberg-Goff

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Tarpon! The Gasparilla Curse Series by Bruce Rougraff

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The Book of Hannah: A Tragicomedy in Three Trimesters by Ellen Gelerman

Crack! (Slide-and-See) by Beatriz Gimnez de Ory

Eagle vs Bear: Adventures of a Child Cub by Emile Millar and Blayne Fox

Please Don't Tell Cooper He's a Dog by Michelle Lander Feinberg

Completely Me by Justine Green and Ana Luísa Silva

Blue Ocean Bob Discovers His Purpose by Brooks Olbrys and Kevin Keele

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Reece's Vintage Tales by N. Reece Ho-Sheffield

Pink: A Christmas Romance by Monica Collier

Generations Deep: Unmasking Inherited Dysfunction and Trauma to Rewrite Our Stories Through Faith & Therapy by Gina Birkemeier LPC

Wine and the White House: A History by Fredrick J. Ryan, Jr.

The Saga of Evil Monkey Man! Season One Written by N. Blake Seals Illustrated by Butch Mapa

Nowhere Near Goodbye by Barbara Conrey

Baking with Bruno: A French Baker's North American Love Story by Bruno Feldeisen

Gaziantep Cuisine in Four Seasons by Özden Mermer Sabuncuoglu

Bastard's Bluff by David Benjamin

The Beasts of Electra Drive by Rohan Quine

Wake Up and Reclaim Your Humanity: Essays on the Tragedy of Israel-Palestine by Richard Forer

Unnatural Resources by Mindy Uhrlaub

Future World Order by Dr Maha Hosain Aziz

The Only Way Out Is Through: A Ten-Step Journey From Grief To Wholeness by Dr. Gail Gross

Everyone Dies- And yes, it is normal! by Marianne Matzo and Darlene Domanik

The Art of Being a School Counselor: Leading with Confidence, Compassion, and Authenticity by Nancy L. Regas, M.S., M.F.T., P.P.S.

Junglenomics: Nature's Solutions to the World Environmnt Crisis: a New Paradigm for the 21st Century & Beyond by Simon M Lamb

The Scarlet Queen: (The Darkwolf Saga) by Mitch Reinhardt

Rea and the Blood of the Nectar by Payal Doshi

Street Culture by Seleen Saleh

Love, Life, and Lucille: Lessons Learned from a Centenarian by Judy Gaman

How Not to Drown-A Novel by Jaimee Wriston

Mother's Thoughts for the Day Journal: Create Your Own Collection of Loving Wisdom by M C Sungaila

Rooted in the Hood: An Intimate Portrait of New York City’s Community Gardens by Anna A. Angelidakis

The Only Way Out is Through: A Ten-Step Journey from Grief to Wholeness by Gail Gross

Bigger Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body by Michael Matthews

Valiance by Vanessa Caraveo

A Book of Secrets by Kate Morrison

A Call To Reform: Sustaining America's Unique Culture by Stephen P. Fish

Kings, Conquerors, Psychopaths: From Alexander to Hitler to the Corporation by Joseph Abra

The Christmas Spirit by Alexandrea Weis

How the Candy Cane Got Its Stripes A Christmas Tale by Kevin Brougher and Lisa Santa Cruz

The Spiritual Gardener: Insights From the Jewish Tradition to Help Your Garden Grow by Andy Becker

Roseneath by Dana McSwain

How To Build Your Baby's Brain: A Parent's Guide to Using New Gene Science to Raise a Smart, Secure, and Successful Child by Dr. Gail Gross

Now Lorraine Has Gone by Jeff Lowder

Purpose, Passion, and Pajamas: How to Transform Your Life, Embrace the Human Connection, and Lead with Meaning by Genevieve Piturro

Rea and the Blood of the Nectar by Payal Doshi

The Inclusive Leader: Taking Intentional Action for Justice and Equity by Artika R. Tyner

The Car Thief by V. Reed

Blackout by Marco Carocari

untold- defining moments of the uprooted Edited by Gabrielle Deonath & Kamini Ramdeen

Through the Waters and the Wild by Greg Fields

After Happily Ever After by Leslie A. Rasmussen

Grand Mal: A Life with Late Onset Epilepsy by Robert V. Dodge

Dead Already by Mike Krentz

When a Toy Dog Became a Wolf and the Moon Broke Curfew by Hendrika de Vries

Check out winners from years past: https://www.nycbigbookaward.com/2018winners

How to Master Your Inner Superman: A Guide for Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Using Superman to... by Kenneth Rogers Jr

Through the Redwood Hollow by Kenna Paige KennaPaigeBooks.com

Poisoned Jungle by James Ballard

My Pilot: A Story of War, Love, and ALS by Sarajane Giere

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The HOW to Inner Peace: A Guide to a New Way of Living by Constance Kellough

The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation by Michael Matthews

The Greatest Hoax on Earth: Catching Truth, While We Can by Alan C. Logan

The Serpent, The Puma, and The Condor: A Tale of Machu Picchu by Gayle Marie

Everything All At Once (Chorduroys and Too Many Boys™) by Ivy Cayden

Backstory by William Michael Ried

Saving Species on Private Lands: Unlocking Incentives to Conserve Wildlife and Their Habitats by Lowell E. Baier

Franki and the Banksia by Leanne Murner

No Names to Be Given by Julia Brewer Daily

Onboarding Matters: How Successful Companies Transform New Customers Into Loyal Champions by Donna Weber

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What the Soul Suspects (Milford-Haven Paranormal Novellas) by Mara Purl

Nimue: Freeing Merlin by Ayn Cates Sullivan

The Big Book of Why For Parents: 75 Tips and Tricks for New Parents by Dr. Clifford D. James III, BS, MD FAAP

Sing Like Never Before: A Creative Look at Vocal Technique & Pedagogy for Singers & Voice by Justin Stoney

90 Days to Your First Real Estate Investment Purchase by Robert Gill Jr.

Twice a Daughter: A Search for Identity, Family, and Belonging by Julie Ryan McGue

The 12 Commandments of the Heart by Corinne Dettmer

‘93 til, A Photographic Journey Through Skateboarding in the 1990s by Pete Thompson

Get Back in the Book! by Larry Issa and Emma Chadwick

Sandwiches and Samosas Written by Suhani Parikh BA Illustrated by Reshma Srinivas

Who's That I Hear? Written by DJ Hill Illustrated by Julie Adriansen

Ash by Gloria Mindock

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Restore Our Democracy: The Case for Equality and Justice by Werner Neff

Estranged by Charles Lamar Phillips

Ruby Foo and the Traveling Kitchen by Tiffany Foo

My Bipolar Backpack: To The Bottom Of Mental Illness And Back- A Memoir by Susan Ralphe

Truth is in the House by Michael J Coffino

Weeping Goes Unheard: Sacred Tears for Indigenous Victims of Racial Genocide by Lucia Mann

CHARLESTON: The Antebellum Neighborhoods and Buildings by David Rogers and Susan Kammeraad

Southern Voices: A Book of Award-Winning Short Stories by Laura Hunter

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My Dog is My Relationship Coach by Maureen Scanlon

The Distance Between High and Low: A Southern Gothic Novel by Kaye Park Hinckle

How to be a Buddhist Millionaire: 9 practical steps to being happy in a materialist world by Matt Jardine

Song of the Nile by Hannah Fielding

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When We're Thirty by Casey Dembowski

Twilight Starlight World Alight (The Bay Area Blues) by Kay C. Beerman

Love Odyssey: (Transylvanian Trilogy) by Roberta Seret

The New Chameleons: How to Connect with Consumers Who Defy Categorization by Michael R. Solomon

Gods of Kiranis by Ronald A. Geobey

YOLO: Essential Life Hacks for Happiness by Vindy Teja

The Noble Edge: Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time by Christopher Gilbert, Ph.D.

How to be a Buddhist Millionaire: 9 practical steps to being happy in a materialist world by Matt Jardine

Corrupted: The Truth Shall Be the Nail in Your Coffin by Jared Dixon

The Topography of Hidden Stories by Julia MacDonnell

The Death of Content as King: How a Data Democracy Has Revolutionized Marketing by Jon Hinderliter

Breaking Hate: Confronting the New Culture of Extremism by Christian Picciolini

The Master Book of MEMES by Britt Minshall

The YOU Beyond You: The Knowledge of the Willing by Ramzi Najjar

10 Rules of Karate: The Immutable Path to Victory by Kris Wilder & Lawrence A. Kane

Through a Broken Window by Gary Turchin

Nothing Personal by Larry Temple

Everything All At Once (Chorduroys and Too Many Boys™) by Ivy Cayden

The Strait by Dom Stasi

Running from COVID in Our RV Cocoon by Gerri Almand

The Zodiac Revisited: The Facts of the Case by Michael F. Cole

A Potter's Tale by Dave Davis

My Famous Brain - A Novel by Diane Wald

The Athena Principles: Simple Wellness Practices for Overworked Professionals by Kathy Robinson

Little Miss Linda Goes To Counseling by Dr. Linda J. M. Holloway

The Shadow of Wildflowers by Alta Ione

The Comfort Bearer by Cathy L. Patrenos

Eating Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Take Control and Overcome Bingeing and Self Sabotage by Karyn De Mol & Megan Harris

Written: A Heartbreaking Story of Love, Secrets, Betrayal and Honour by D.A. Lee

Tell Your Story to the World & Sell It for Millions by Kenneth Atchity and Lisa Cerasoli

Talent by B. Lynn Goodwin

When a Toy Dog Became a Wolf and the Moon Broke Curfew by Hendrika de Vries

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