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Shari Aldrich

The Cosmic Alarm Clock: Wake Up to Your Extraordinary Life

2024 NYC Big Book Award WINNER

Successful entrepreneur and author Shari Aldrich’s life was forever changed when she woke up one morning to her cosmic alarm clock—the sudden, insistent inner feeling of needing to act—telling her to run a marathon. That decision led to a series of successes that she’d never dreamed possible, culminating in owning a flourishing business and connecting with entrepreneurial leaders around the world. Evocative and inspirational, Cosmic Alarm Clock unravels Aldrich’s profound journey, from experiencing soul-changing family deaths and a harrowing finger amputation to running races and developing a thriving business. Her story is filled to the brim with time-tested lessons that have been condensed into easy-to-follow steps she calls the Five Pillars for Life. Expanded on through short but impactful snippets of Aldrich’s experiences, these Five Pillars illuminate a path forward for anyone looking to jumpstart their life and follow their true purpose and calling. By using the Pillars as a roadmap—and trusting that cosmic alarm clock when it rings—everyone can create the life they were meant to live.
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The Cosmic Alarm Clock: Wake Up to Your Extraordinary Life
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Self-help: Motivational

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