A Press Release Template
Winners AND Distinguished Favorites
Here is a standard press release to use. You can easily insert your information in the bolded portions and send out to your media contacts. In addition, if you'd like us to send out to your contacts on your behalf, we are happy to email. Please send your list in a editable file, your information and, if you'd like, a headshot of yourself.
Author receives national recognition
(Your Location) -- The NEW YORK CITY BIG BOOK AWARD recognized (Title of Book by Author's Name) in the category of (Category) as a (winner/distinguished favorite).
The competition is judged by experts from different aspects of the book industry, including publishers, writers, editors, book cover designers and professional copywriters. Selected award Winners and Distinguished Favorites are based on overall excellence.
(Tell about your book: list your title, name, genre/category and synopsis here).
New York, NY -- Once again, in 2019, the New York City Big Book Award achieved worldwide participation. Entries remained impressive. Book submissions streamed in from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. Cities across the globe such as Bangkok, Cape Town, London, Los Angeles, Nagaski and New York were represented in the 2019 entries. Winners were recognized globally from Australia, Cambodia, Canada, England and the United States of America. The competition is judged by experts from different aspects of the book industry, including publishers, writers, editors, book cover designers and professional copywriters. Selected New York City Big Book Award Winners and Distinguished Favorites are based on overall excellence.
"We are proud to announce the diversity of the 2019 Winners and Distinguished Favorites in our annual New York City Big Book Award," said awards sponsor Gabrielle Olczak. Included are New York Times bestseller author Lev Grossman's "The Magicians: Alice's Story," a graphic novel, to the independent publisher Fig Tree Books' "A River Could be a Tree," a memoir by Angela Himsel. Categories featured a wide variety of subjects. "Ephphatha," a nonfiction account of a deaf boy's rise to Ivy League basketball; to a young adult fiction title "The Adventures of Jules Khan," a story about Muslim superheros were amongst the 2019 New York City Big Book Award Winner and Distinguished Favorite respectively. Excellent books exist globally, regardless of where the author resides or the culture. "We are happy to highlight these books, recognize their excellence, and share their achievements." said Olczak.
For more information, please visit: www.nycbigbookaward.com. To view the list of winners, visit https://www.nycbigbookaward.com/2019winners; and find Distinguished Favorites listed here: https://www.nycbigbookaward.com/2019distinguishedfavorites.
If you haven't already, join us for the Spring Book Competition, INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD, www.independentpressaward.com
Also, get seals for your books to help make your book stand out, below are the ordering instructions again:
Order Your Book Seals
(self adhesive) for
Winners AND Distinguished Favorites
CONGRATULATIONS!, You have been awarded, and now's it's time to display the badge of honor that will impress readers and drive book sales, especially during the high book selling season!
Order quality NEW YORK CITY BIG BOOK AWARD seals for the front of your book. Easy to attach, these seals give testimony to your book’s design quality and editorial excellence, and are downright impressive!
You should get some because once you’re a NEW YORK CITY BIG BOOK AWARD winner, you’re always a NEW YORK CITY BIG BOOK AWARD winner. They’re a marketing-must for book signings, trade shows, and instant street credibility with book buyers, booksellers, and librarians.
To order,
1. Pay via PalPal button (Blue arrow on right gives five options: 60; 150; 300; 500 or 1000 seals, click one to order),
and enter the Name of the Book, and type of seal requested (either Winner or Favorite)